Thursday, September 3, 2009

Calling out to the Universe

My dear, patient friend, Trisha, often tells me that I need to enlist the support of the universe when I am trying to make change or find answers. Just yesterday, she encouraged- "Claim something different for yourself, even if you don't know what it is." And then, tell it to the universe, and remember that God is your "most senior consultant."

So here I am, friends. I'm not going to wait another year, and use my 50th birthday as a reason to claim it. I'll claim it right now- "I NEED A NEW WORK LIFE."

Actually, during my morning walk with Riley, I heard myself say out load "I need a new life!!!!" and then I quickly realized that was an exaggeration. I sucked that statement right back in, with apologies. Some things are okay, really. Fantastic, to be more accurate. But I do, honestly, need a new work life. I need a new work life! I NEED a new work life! I need a NEW work life! I need a new WORK life! I need a new work LIFE! No matter how you phrase it- I do indeed really need a new work life.

Got it, Universe?

Please answer.

Honestly, this (below) looks like intereting work to me-

1 comment:

Emily said...

We are at very different points in our life, but both searching for the same thing. Something that challenges us, satisfies us and makes us happy. How do we find it?!?! And even if we do find it, can we make it happen?